This is Religion and this is Politics



Mahatma Gandhi is without a doubt one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. Even if he had not succeeded in his role as a leader in the Indian independence movement, his revolutionary ideas regarding massive nonviolent protests would have inevitably ensured a lasting legacy. However, Gandhi did succeed. And he did so following his philosophy of Satyagrah. The term Satyagrah comes from two sanskrit words; satya meaning truth and agrah meaning insistence. From March to April of 1930, Gandhi led one of his most famous acts of civil defiance: the Salt March. To protest the British denial of salt to the Indian population, he organized a massive group of people to unite together and disobey as a marginalized society. Sure, they all united around the fact that eating salt was a part of their Indian identities. But what else were they were united around?

The difference between Spirituality and Religiosity: Is there any such thing as “non-affiliated”?

religious diversity

With the upcoming election there have been many debates and discussions involving religion and how it factors in to the equation. This got me thinking, how does a candidate approach this topic or situation considering the frequently changing landscape of American Religion. Hearing some of their answers to questions regarding this topic, or topics similar to it, made me think about the rising number of people who claim to be just simply spiritual not religious. So many Americans today, especially young Americans, are claiming no religion and no belief in God. Whether or not it’s just the cool thing to do or these people actually believe what they’re saying is probably specific to the case. None the less, there has been a steady trend of declining belief in God or a supernatural power of any sort amongst American citizens in the last half century.

How Do We Say Who Is and Is Not Religious?





Are Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton really religious? Recent polls show that voters are doubtful concerning the religious convictions of the two politicians. At a time so easy to find political articles, some written stories might tell us more about voters than they do about the candidates themselves, however.

The Religion of Wall Street


Is economics really all that different from our current view of religion? Think about the rhetoric we use when discussing economics and religion.

“Capitalism is the saving grace to the world.” “All salvation comes through the Catholic Church.”

“The USSR was a corrupt form of communism and shouldn’t be how we judge it.” “ISIS is Islam gone wrong and we can’t consider them truly Muslim.”

“How about distributism?!” “Oh yeah, we forgot Jediism was a thing.”

The conflicts in economy are just as pronounced as in the religious world. People are willing to stand and die by their preferred system.